phsaparthistory: Head of a Roman partrician
phsaparthistory: Augustus of Prima Porta
phsaparthistory: House of the Vettii plan
phsaparthistory: Atrium. House of the Vettii
phsaparthistory: House of the Vettii frescos
phsaparthistory: Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun, Pompeii
phsaparthistory: Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)
phsaparthistory: Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)
phsaparthistory: Forum of Trajan (reconstruction drawing)
phsaparthistory: Trajan markets
phsaparthistory: Column of Trajan
phsaparthistory: Pantheon
phsaparthistory: Pantheon
phsaparthistory: Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus
phsaparthistory: Basilica Ulpia (reconstruction drawing)
phsaparthistory: Petra, Jordan: Treasury
phsaparthistory: Petra, Jordan
phsaparthistory: Petra, Jordan: Great Temple