Purple Plectrum:
Breakfast at Stansted
Purple Plectrum:
Dave broke his fork...
Purple Plectrum:
..doesn't stop him eating though!
Purple Plectrum:
And later that day Mark tries to drink the finger bowl.
Purple Plectrum:
Purple Plectrum:
Purple Plectrum:
Purple Plectrum:
The morning after
Purple Plectrum:
Nice foyer in the hotel, innit?
Purple Plectrum:
A canal.
Purple Plectrum:
It means "Fierce Friends"
Purple Plectrum:
Nice bit of slagroom on them pies!
Purple Plectrum:
Purple Plectrum:
Purple Plectrum:
Purple Plectrum:
Yes, still more dink...
Purple Plectrum:
Christian's arrived then.
Purple Plectrum:
The delicate art of pooring a Kwak.
Purple Plectrum:
Look at the concentration
Purple Plectrum:
Dave's got the hang of it
Purple Plectrum:
Martyn hasn't.
Purple Plectrum:
But the next round worked better.
Purple Plectrum:
(please insert your own caption)
Purple Plectrum:
It's all a bit much for Mark.
Purple Plectrum:
Me in smug mode - I drink therefore I am.
Purple Plectrum:
Giant drink!
Purple Plectrum:
Damn fine margaritas..
Purple Plectrum:
..and damn fine food..
Purple Plectrum:
..which we polished off in style.
Purple Plectrum:
We were of course very, very drunk...