bryan.allen.freeman: morning_landscape
jord.ashcroft: South Island Robin
franciscarmine: A Twin Fall
javisalcedo1989: Chorlitejo Grande - Common Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula
javisalcedo1989: Corneja Cenicienta - Hooded Crow - Corvus cornix
Jos Buurmans: Lines in the Sand - Northland, NZ (2024)
Nature World Adventures (Love Nature): Scavengers, Vultures and Maribor Storks feasting on Dead Kob 1
Jim Kraft - WA: Short-eared Owl
dave_entwistle: Cleddau river
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Aciphylla monroi in full flower
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Chafer Beetle on Anisotome Imbricata var. prostrata
Brian Dean_Photography: Great Egret Cruising By
scatman otis: New Zealand May 2024
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Raoulia, Kelliera, Celmisia, Moss and Lichens
don.white55: mushroom with guests
Nick Pulcinella: Carolina Chickadee
Mr Kes: Great Tit keeping the balance
goudy0990: Shake it off …
stan sutton: New Zealand native Tui IMG_4160
javisalcedo1989: Terrera Marismeña - Mediterranean Short-toed Lark - Alaudala rufescens
stan sutton: Welcome Swallows IMG_4258
wildbird2015: DSC_4408 jpg White Heron
Marek Palicka: Troglodytes troglodytes - střízlík obecný - Eurasian wren
Marek Palicka: Falco subbuteo - ostříž lesní - Euroasian hobby
chappietam: Variable Oystercatcher