christian_lemale: Etude du drapé / Drapery study - Pinacothèque / Pinacoteca - Berlin
christian_lemale: Vierge à l'enfant / Virgin with child - Hans Baldung (1539)
christian_lemale: Le petit contorsionniste / The little contortionist - Pinacothèque / Pinacoteca - Berlin
christian_lemale: Etude du drapé / Drapery study - Pinacothèque / Pinacoteca - Berlin
christian_lemale: Etude du drapé / Drapery study - L'enfer / The Hell (Van der Wieden) - Pinacothèque / Pinacoteca - Berlin
christian_lemale: Vierge à l'enfant / Virgin with child - Hans Holbein (1520)
christian_lemale: Etude du drapé / Drapery study - Pinacothèque / Pinacoteca - Berlin
christian_lemale: Kapelle Ufer - Berlin
christian_lemale: Kronprinzenbrücke - Berlin
christian_lemale: Chute du mur / Fall of the wall - Mémorial du mur / Wall memorial - Bernauer strasse - Berlin
christian_lemale: Evocation du mur / Evocation of the wall - Mémorial du mur / Wall memorial - Bernauer strasse - Berlin
christian_lemale: Début du mur / Beginning of the wall - Mémorial du mur / Wall memorial - Bernauer strasse - Berlin
christian_lemale: Chute du mur / Fall of the wall - Mémorial du mur / Wall memorial - Schwedter strasse - Berlin
christian_lemale: Mauer park - Berlin
christian_lemale: Mauer park - Berlin
christian_lemale: Mauer park - Berlin
christian_lemale: Mauer park - Berlin
christian_lemale: Mauer park - Berlin
christian_lemale: Mauer park - Berlin
christian_lemale: Mauer park - Berlin
christian_lemale: Mauer park - Berlin
christian_lemale: Echappement libre / Escape - East Side Gallery - Berlin
christian_lemale: East Side Gallery - Berlin
christian_lemale: Checkpoint Charlie - East Side Gallery - Berlin
christian_lemale: Oberbaumbrücke - Berlin
christian_lemale: Tubulures / Tubing - Berlin
christian_lemale: Gare de Warschauer / Warschauer station - Berlin
christian_lemale: Trabant - Berlin
christian_lemale: East Side Gallery - Berlin
christian_lemale: East Side Gallery - Berlin