christian_lemale: Domaine du Bois Pataud / Bois Pataud domain - Bléré
christian_lemale: En vol / Flying - Bléré
christian_lemale: En vol / Flying - Bléré
christian_lemale: En vol / Flying - Bléré
christian_lemale: Fin de journée, on rentre ! / End of the day, we go back - Bléré
christian_lemale: Fin de journée, on rentre ! / End of the day, we go back - Bléré
christian_lemale: Fin de journée, on rentre ! / End of the day, we go back - Bléré
christian_lemale: La rocade de Bléré / Bléré ring road
christian_lemale: En vol / Fying
christian_lemale: En vol / Fying
christian_lemale: En vol / Fying
christian_lemale: Dégonflage en cours / Deflation in progress
christian_lemale: Le ballon fait encore des siennes / The balloon is doing something again