p.bring: IMG_0264
p.bring: Moose cow with calf. Bushnell Trophy Cam, 119436C. Odensbacken Sweden. Feb. 2013
p.bring: PICT1772
p.bring: img_2463!
p.bring: img_2996: Ficedula hypoleuca
p.bring: PICT0220
p.bring: IMG_7499: Snowy days in April
p.bring: IMG_7796: Apple blossom
p.bring: IMG_8266: Mixed summer flower
p.bring: IMG_5976
p.bring: IMG_5958: Arion giganticus
p.bring: P1000624: Salix caprea
p.bring: IMG_0215
p.bring: IMG_0217
p.bring: IMG_0218
p.bring: IMG_0220
p.bring: IMG_0855: Flowers in the garden
p.bring: PICT6842: Garrulus glandarius
p.bring: img_2912_Kosmos
p.bring: IMG_2490
p.bring: IMG_2580: The old mirror
p.bring: IMG_5104
p.bring: IMG_5120
p.bring: IMG_3155: Vespa crabro
p.bring: IMG_3911: Detail from an old cow box
p.bring: IMG_2572: Campanula patula
p.bring: IMG_3126: The old iron stove
p.bring: img_5013: An old Yew
p.bring: img_5016: An old yew.
p.bring: My swedish cottage.