ash.ash749: Freightliner class 66619 clagging it's way towards Highbridge and Burnham.
ash.ash749: Freightliner class 66619 screams through Highbridge and Burnham on the 622T.
ash.ash749: Freightliner class 66619 speeding towards Highbridge and Burnham working the 622T.
ash.ash749: 66619 speeds through Highbridge and Burnham.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66619 & 66603 top and tail of the 622T Network Rail's HOBC train!
ash.ash749: Freightliner class 66619 on the rear of Network Rails HOBC.
ash.ash749: 66619 out of sight, time for 66603 to make an appearance at the rear of the 622T.
ash.ash749: Freightliner class 66 (66507) working the 441B.
ash.ash749: Freightliner class 66 (66507) seen passing platform 2 of Highbridge and Burnham after switching tracks.
ash.ash749: Rear of Freightliner class 66 (66507).
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66617.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66953.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66951.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66953 on the 6C73 Westbury Up-Fairwater Yard.
ash.ash749: Freightliner's 66603+66589.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66603+66589.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66952.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 70010.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66953.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66514.
ash.ash749: Freightliner 66601