Pillars of Creation Photography: Seagull - Ellis Island - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: Sundown Over Central Park - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: Queensboro Bridge - NYC
Pillars of Creation Photography: Checker Cab - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: The Immigrants - Ellis Island - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: Waiting for the Number 7 Train - NYC Subway
Pillars of Creation Photography: Embellishment - NYC Skyscraper
Pillars of Creation Photography: Graffiti in Queens - Part 1 - Series
Pillars of Creation Photography: Court Street Station
Pillars of Creation Photography: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
Pillars of Creation Photography: Autumn Morning on the East River - New York City View with Queensboro Bridge
Pillars of Creation Photography: Radio City - Rockefeller Center - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: 30 Rock After Dark - Rockefeller Center - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: Party at 30 Rock Part 2- Rockefeller Center - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: Party at 30 Rock - Rockefeller Center - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: Top of the Rock - View of NYC From Rockefeller Center - Empire State Building and Time Square
Pillars of Creation Photography: Through the Worm Hole - NYC Subway
Pillars of Creation Photography: Sunrise in the East and Storm in the West - New York City View - Empire State Building
Pillars of Creation Photography: The Sheep Meadow - Central Park - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: The Great Hall - Ellis Island - NYC
Pillars of Creation Photography: Purple Dawn - East River - New York
Pillars of Creation Photography: Keeping a Watchful Eye - Seagull - Ellis Island - New York City B&W
Pillars of Creation Photography: Lady Liberty - B&W - Statue of Liberty - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: Band Practice on the East River - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: Gothic Details - 5th Avenue Presbyterian Church - New York City
Pillars of Creation Photography: Big Apple in the Big Apple - Apple Store, New York City