Pillars of Creation Photography: Approaching Storm - Sunset, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Bee Hive Formations - Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Captiol Reef Vista - Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Hickman Bridge Natural Arch - Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Little Pool - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Peaceful Valley - Fruita Orchard Area - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Book of Ages - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Sunset - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Cotton Candy Skies - Capitol Reef National Park- Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Oasis of Green - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Cotton Candy Clouds - Capitol Reef National Monument - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Hickman Bridge Natural Arch - Capitol Reef National Park, Utah (2)
Pillars of Creation Photography: The Beehive Formations - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Moonrise - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Pectol's Pyramid - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Red Rock, Black Rock - Capitol Reef Nationa Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: Rocky World - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah
Pillars of Creation Photography: World on Fire - Capitol Reef National Monument - Utah - Watermark
Pillars of Creation Photography: Geometric Shapes - Pectol's Pyramid - Capitol Reef National Park - Utah