ficksberglion: Clun in sun !
ficksberglion: 45627 passes Lambrigg
ficksberglion: The Green un at Birkett.
ficksberglion: Imposter !
ficksberglion: No snow today
ficksberglion: 46521 and another smoke ring
ficksberglion: Passing trains
ficksberglion: Too cold for Rabbits
ficksberglion: Swithland sunrise
ficksberglion: Tornado approaching
ficksberglion: Nice shade of green
ficksberglion: Sun set on BR Green ?
ficksberglion: Three quarter front
ficksberglion: Swithland from ground level
ficksberglion: Shades of the Cambrian 2
ficksberglion: Shades of the Cambrian 1
ficksberglion: A fond farewell
ficksberglion: Bright and breezy in the fells
ficksberglion: Blea Moor panorama
ficksberglion: Flying Scotsman.
ficksberglion: The new Forest of Arden
ficksberglion: Just after sundown
ficksberglion: Crossing The Tame - at speed !
ficksberglion: A Duchess at Stoke
ficksberglion: Springtime on the Talyllyn.
ficksberglion: Leaving Rhydyronen station
ficksberglion: Heading up the valley
ficksberglion: Taffy's Daffs
ficksberglion: Taking water at Ty Dwr