ficksberglion: 1964 Steam for ever !
ficksberglion: Nice work
ficksberglion: West Coast Postal
ficksberglion: Plover in flight
ficksberglion: 65917 Alloa
ficksberglion: Old stager
ficksberglion: 90039 at Alloa
ficksberglion: Cardenden station
ficksberglion: Cardenden for Bowhill
ficksberglion: Horse and cart
ficksberglion: Interesting noise
ficksberglion: 60034 Dunblane
ficksberglion: The other Forth Bridge
ficksberglion: 60007 stirling
ficksberglion: On the Fife Circle
ficksberglion: Stirling Departure for 60007
ficksberglion: Golden Plover
ficksberglion: Kinbuck Bank
ficksberglion: Last of the Jubes
ficksberglion: Under the roof
ficksberglion: Ready for the off
ficksberglion: North British Survivor
ficksberglion: Ready for the off 2
ficksberglion: Alloa coal traffic.