a°solo: Tower Bridge & Shard on the right
a°solo: Embroidered Balcony
a°solo: Nelson directing traffic
a°solo: Lecce's Decay
a°solo: Reflection at Tate Modern
a°solo: Eye on London
a°solo: Sunrise at Stansted's Departures
a°solo: h: 8,20
a°solo: Give way & turn left
a°solo: A pretty good view of Florance
a°solo: Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire
a°solo: A famous view
a°solo: Tate Britain's Geometry
a°solo: Vicoletto - Little Alley
a°solo: Shake my hand
a°solo: Luci serali
a°solo: London's classic beauty
a°solo: Window seat, please
a°solo: Church ruins in London
a°solo: Simply London
a°solo: Iconic London at Sunset
a°solo: Baroque
a°solo: Romanity - Romanità
a°solo: Baroque Shell. A casual Lecce's balcony, in a casual warm late-afternoon light
a°solo: Maggio