supergail: new cork floor!
supergail: on a sunny day
supergail: happy new year
supergail: nate teaches max leopard operating system
supergail: finished curtains
supergail: curtains in progress
supergail: office in progress
supergail: before
supergail: new year's day crafting
supergail: christmas tree '07
supergail: and another view
supergail: 14-piece set
supergail: kitchen
supergail: close up
supergail: dining room
supergail: new shelves
supergail: magnet board
supergail: new hooks from ikea
supergail: in the mirror
supergail: magnet/chalk board
supergail: boxes of things, labeled
supergail: thursday's shelf reorganization
supergail: birthday breakfast
supergail: a new bag
supergail: nate & max
supergail: introducing...
supergail: snow on march 28th
supergail: a tin
supergail: baking