StarreLite's Adventures: Happy Halloween
StarreLite's Adventures: Koda's Studio Creation in the rock
StarreLite's Adventures: The Bohemian Club
StarreLite's Adventures: Beautiful Night
StarreLite's Adventures: Sunrise off the deck
StarreLite's Adventures: The new place Haven by the sea
StarreLite's Adventures: The new place Haven by the Sea
StarreLite's Adventures: The new place Haven by the Sea
StarreLite's Adventures: Another one of those pretty spots
StarreLite's Adventures: One of those pretty spots
StarreLite's Adventures: The moon peaking behind the cloud
StarreLite's Adventures: Nothing like a beautiful sunset
StarreLite's Adventures: Peaking through the yard at the neighbo'rs lovely tree
StarreLite's Adventures: Flowers, flowers, flowers. Love them!
StarreLite's Adventures: Beautiful outdoors
StarreLite's Adventures: Beautiful outdoors
StarreLite's Adventures: Pretty flowers on the deck.
StarreLite's Adventures: Pretty daisys.
StarreLite's Adventures: Find the snake.