rgrant_97: End of the climb!
rgrant_97: Scanning the horizon
rgrant_97: Windmills of your mind?
rgrant_97: Windmills of your mind?
rgrant_97: Pinhal
rgrant_97: Windmills of your mind?
rgrant_97: Virado para o sul
rgrant_97: Virado para o sul
rgrant_97: Crane / Grua
rgrant_97: Burn-out
rgrant_97: Burn-out
rgrant_97: Casulo
rgrant_97: Pinhão
rgrant_97: Lichen / Líquen
rgrant_97: Conifer
rgrant_97: Down through the woods
rgrant_97: Parque Eólico
rgrant_97: Parque Eólico