rgrant_97: Down the steep slope
rgrant_97: Hives
rgrant_97: Steppin' Out
rgrant_97: Gorse
rgrant_97: Trilho
rgrant_97: Trilho
rgrant_97: Lithodora prostrata. Erva-das-sete-sangrias
rgrant_97: Tormentil (Potentilla erecta)
rgrant_97: Purple heather
rgrant_97: Scarlet Pimpernel
rgrant_97: Painted Lady
rgrant_97: Painted Lady
rgrant_97: Painted Lady
rgrant_97: Painted Lady
rgrant_97: Sandwich stop
rgrant_97: Gorse
rgrant_97: Omphalodes linifolia
rgrant_97: Through the undergrowth