panda.roo: don't mess with the vest
panda.roo: have brollies will travel/ a tourist's survival kit
panda.roo: rock formations and people formation at yehliu geopark. just don't cross the red line or the security personnel in the big straw hats and fluorescent vests. they're doing a great job stopping tourists from defacing or standing on the rocks.
panda.roo: burning incense sticks
panda.roo: temples are not just for praying
panda.roo: tiny morsels of deliciousness prepared by the men in bunnysuits
panda.roo: men in bunnysuits make great props for a photo op *HWW*
panda.roo: mushroom rock
panda.roo: temple guardian
panda.roo: prayer offering
panda.roo: candles
panda.roo: now serving number 1279
panda.roo: the fan pose
panda.roo: peace