Barnsley Victor: 1st December 2016. Irish Character by C.H.Cook at The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 1st December 2016. Girl with a Lamb by Baron, The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 18th November 2024. Dusk. Painting at Barnsley Cooper Art Gallery, Church Street, Barnsley
Barnsley Victor: 7th January 2015. Charlie Cake, Cooper Gallery Cafe, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: The Moose and the Bear. Brian Wildsmith at Barnsley Cooper Art Gallery
Barnsley Victor: 2nd February 2017. Peggy Airey, detail, oil on canvas, by Abel Hold at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: 2nd February 2017. Picasso in Barnsley. Linocut Prints at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: 28th August 2024. The Cooper Gallery, Church Street, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: 13th February 2020, Photography at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Barnsley Victor: 31st May 2024. Brian Wildsmith children's book illustrator, at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 13th February 2020, Art at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Barnsley Victor: Barnsley Cooper Art Gallery Exhibit
Barnsley Victor: 1st July 2016. Studio Pottery from the Whittaker Collection at The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 18th November 2024. Puffer Fish. Brian Wildsmith at Barnsley Cooper Art Gallery, Church Street, Barnsley
Barnsley Victor: 2nd February 2017. Box. Ceramics at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: 31st May 2016. Laurel and Hardy, Graham Ibbeson Exhibition, The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 31st May 2016. Per Ardua ad Astra, Graham Ibbeson Exhibition, The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 1st July 2016. Horses in a Landscape by J.F.Herring, The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Barnsley Victor: 1st July 2016. Horses in a Landscape by J.F.Herring, The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 27th January 2024. Caroline Kent, Two Minute Silence (detail). Entry for the Cooper Prize Art Exhibition. The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: 13th February 2020, Corot. Art at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Barnsley Victor: 18th November 2024. Painting at Barnsley Cooper Art Gallery, Church Street, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: 2nd February 2017. Still Life under the Lamp. Picasso in Barnsley. Linocut Prints at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: 31st May 2024. Brian Wildsmith children's book illustrator, at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Barnsley Victor: 1st December 2016. The Veiled Lady, marble bust at The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 2nd February 2017. Peggy Airey, oil on canvas, by Abel Hold at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: 27th January 2024. Lucy Dewsnap, Proletariat. Entry for the Cooper Prize Art Exhibition. The Cooper Gallery, Barnsley.
Barnsley Victor: 31st May 2024. Maritime Art at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 31st May 2024. Brian Wildsmith children's book illustrator, at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.
Barnsley Victor: 31st May 2024. Sculpture in the Garden at Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.