ivan.chekhov: Robert W. Service - Rhymes of a Red Cross Man (1916, 1st Edition, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Robert W. Service - Ballads of a Bohemian (1921, 1st Edition, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Robert W. Service - The Roughneck (1923, 1st Edition, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Frank C. Robertson - The Foreman of the Forty-Bar (1925, 1st Edition, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Robert W. Service - The Master of the Microbe (1926, 1st Edition, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Stanley Shaw - The White God's Way (1926, 1st Edition, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: John Prentice Langley - Spanning the Pacific, or A Non-Stop Hop to Japan (1927, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: H. L. Gates - Vivian (1927, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Frank C. Robertson - The Boss of the Tumbling H (1927, 1st Edition, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Dorothy Whitehill - Polly's Polly at Boarding School (1928, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: H. L. Gates - The Red Dancer of Moscow (1928, 1st edition, Barse & Hopkins, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Dave E. Smalley - Stumbling (1929, 1st Edition, Barse & Company, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Frank C. Robertson - The Silver Cow (1929, 1st Edition, Barse & Company, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Eleanor Browne - Innocent Madame (1930, 1st Edition, Barse & Company, New York, dust jacket art by Politzer)
ivan.chekhov: H. L. Gates - The Girl in the Green Coat (1930, Barse & Company, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Frank C. Robertson - We Want That Range (1931, Barse & Company, New York)
ivan.chekhov: Celia Gilbert - Kay Dale in "South Sea Siren" (1931, Barse & Company, New York)