thinboyfatter: Coconut beach.
thinboyfatter: Wild and roaming free Cassowary.
thinboyfatter: Wild and roaming free Cassowary.
thinboyfatter: The two Copters.
thinboyfatter: Low Island
thinboyfatter: Snapper Island.
thinboyfatter: Landing in a very small clearing with a short walk to a deserted beach.
thinboyfatter: The Beach
thinboyfatter: Brendon and Andrew, Pilots.
thinboyfatter: View from one helicopter to the other.
thinboyfatter: DSC_4199
thinboyfatter: DSC_4201
thinboyfatter: DSC_4205
thinboyfatter: DSC_4209
thinboyfatter: Brendon, helicopter pilot.
thinboyfatter: Big Barramundi Garden.
thinboyfatter: Lookout near Mossman