Geoffrey Maillard: Evening in the port of Ghent
Geoffrey Maillard: Spiders Lightning above the old port of Oostende
Geoffrey Maillard: Cumulonimbus by night view from Oostende
Geoffrey Maillard: Oostende lightnings
Geoffrey Maillard: Road sunset
Geoffrey Maillard: Moulin de Remicourt
Geoffrey Maillard: "Paradise tower" Liège
Geoffrey Maillard: Supercell HP - 23-06-2016 - Waremme (BE)
Geoffrey Maillard: Papeterie Burgo Ardennes | Burgo Ardennes Paper Mills - 22/07/2016 - Houdrigny (BE)
Geoffrey Maillard: La ville d'Hangzhou et le lac de l'ouest - Hangzhou city and the West lake - 06/07/2017 - Hangzhou (China)
Geoffrey Maillard: Coucher de soleil flamboyant - Sunset on fire - 15/07/2017 - Hangzhou (China)
Geoffrey Maillard: Orage vallée de la Meuse - Storm Meuse valley - 07/10/2018 - Flémalle (Belgium)