Hampshire Ant: Straw bales heading for gap in hedge 1341_009 crop
Hampshire Ant: BW version of previous Round straw bales 1341_009 - Copy crop line
Hampshire Ant: Straw bales lined up going up the hill 1341_007 crop
Hampshire Ant: BW version of previous Round straw bales 1341_007 - Copycrop line
Hampshire Ant: Three and one 1341_005 crop
Hampshire Ant: Three round straw bales 1341_004 crop
Hampshire Ant: Round straw bales 1341_003 crop
Hampshire Ant: Round hay bales 1293_012
Hampshire Ant: Bales being wrapped 1293_003
Hampshire Ant: Round hay bales 1293_001
Hampshire Ant: Single round bale 1190_017
Hampshire Ant: Two bales 1190_016
Hampshire Ant: Round bale with trailer 1190_015
Hampshire Ant: Round bale on its own 1190_012
Hampshire Ant: A lone bale 1166_010 crop2
Hampshire Ant: Round bales 1002_008 crop
Hampshire Ant: Two Round bales 1002_008 crop2
Hampshire Ant: Two Round bales 1002_008 - Copy crop2 line
Hampshire Ant: Round bales 1002_004 - Copy crop line
Hampshire Ant: Bale on the hill 995_030 layer
Hampshire Ant: Bale on the hill 995_025 - Copybw line
Hampshire Ant: Random round bales 995_012 - Copybwcrop line
Hampshire Ant: Randomly arranged bales 995_012 crop
Hampshire Ant: Bales with tree 995_011 crop
Hampshire Ant: Bales with sunset 994_040 - Copy
Hampshire Ant: Round bale 994_032 crop2
Hampshire Ant: Round bales 994_026
Hampshire Ant: Round bales 994_024
Hampshire Ant: Round bales 994_018
Hampshire Ant: Round bales 994_016 crop