Hampshire Ant:
Barley D 1489_068 line
Hampshire Ant:
Oats in field of barley 1489_056
Hampshire Ant:
Green and ripe barley 1489_065 crop line
Hampshire Ant:
Barley E 1489_072 cropline
Hampshire Ant:
Barley (general view) C 1489_043
Hampshire Ant:
Barley (grasses amongst ) B 1489_032 crop line
Hampshire Ant:
Barley A 1489_035 crop line
Hampshire Ant:
BW version of previous Round straw bales 1341_009 - Copy crop line
Hampshire Ant:
BW version of previous Round straw bales 1341_007 - Copycrop line
Hampshire Ant:
Three round straw bales 1341_004 crop
Hampshire Ant:
Three and one 1341_005 crop
Hampshire Ant:
Barley G orig 1489_081
Hampshire Ant:
Barley F 1489_075 cropline
Hampshire Ant:
Round straw bales 1341_003 crop
Hampshire Ant:
Straw bales heading for gap in hedge 1341_009 crop
Hampshire Ant:
Straw bales lined up going up the hill 1341_007 crop
Hampshire Ant:
Stubble 1339_002 line
Hampshire Ant:
Three trees 1338_006 line
Hampshire Ant:
Cornfields 1405_002 - Copy crop line
Hampshire Ant:
Cornfields 1405_004 - Copy crop line
Hampshire Ant:
Track beside barley 1402_034 line
Hampshire Ant:
Barley G 1489_081 cropline
Hampshire Ant:
Hampshire Ant:
Wheel tracks in barley 1402_039 cropline
Hampshire Ant:
Barley 1402_037 cropline
Hampshire Ant:
Sunlight on the hidden valley 1402_036 cropline
Hampshire Ant:
1402_037 crop2 line
Hampshire Ant:
Barely Barley 1395_029 cropline
Hampshire Ant:
Glistening wheat 1316_008
Hampshire Ant:
A leaf of yellow green grass amongst the Wheat 1316_025 -2