Hampshire Ant: The So-called Cheese grater A 1146_012 skewcrop
Hampshire Ant: The So-called Cheese grater B 1146_013
Hampshire Ant: The So-called Cheese grater C 1146_014
Hampshire Ant: Reflections in The So-called Cheese grater D 1146_049 croprotate
Hampshire Ant: The So-called Cheese grater F 1146_051 crop3
Hampshire Ant: The So-called Cheese grater E 1146_051 crop2
Hampshire Ant: The so-called Gherkin 1146_019
Hampshire Ant: Reflection of the Gherkin 1146_021
Hampshire Ant: The Gherkin C 1146_038 Hemi
Hampshire Ant: The Gherkin D 1146_046 line
Hampshire Ant: The Gherkin E 1146_027
Hampshire Ant: The Gherkin F 1146_028 line
Hampshire Ant: The Gherkin G 1146_032 Hemi
Hampshire Ant: The Gherkin H 1146_035
Hampshire Ant: The Gherkin 1146_028 - Copy crop line
Hampshire Ant: Lloyd's building 1146_025 line
Hampshire Ant: Lloyd's Building Reflections B 1146_055 crop line
Hampshire Ant: Lloyd's Building C 1146_098 line
Hampshire Ant: Lloyd's Building D 1146_099 line
Hampshire Ant: Three going up into the sky 1146_064a crop2 line
Hampshire Ant: Pipes and stairs , Lloyds 1146_066 crop line
Hampshire Ant: Reflection of Lloyds in the Scalpel 1146_071
Hampshire Ant: Shard spied down a narrow street ! 1146_111 line
Hampshire Ant: Shard with 3 cars 1146_114 line
Hampshire Ant: Shard through a gap 1146_117 line
Hampshire Ant: Shard reflections 1146_149 Hemi
Hampshire Ant: Willis Building, Lime St. A 1146_083 crop line
Hampshire Ant: Willis Building, Lime St. B 1146_082 crop line
Hampshire Ant: Willis Building, Lime St. C 1146_091 line
Hampshire Ant: Willis Building, Lime St. D 1146_095 line