paramountbooth: Booth for the Corral Theater, Wimberly Tx circa 1975
paramountbooth: Corral Bleachers
paramountbooth: Corralscreen
paramountbooth: Corral booth from screen side
paramountbooth: Corral back
paramountbooth: Corral screen w/new paint job
paramountbooth: Corral Concession w/Jim Maloy
paramountbooth: Corral Marquee
paramountbooth: Corral Theater, Wimberly Tx circa 1975
paramountbooth: Booth for the Corral Theater, Wimberly Tx circa 1975
paramountbooth: CORRAL MARQUEE 2006
paramountbooth: CORRAL BOOTH 2006
paramountbooth: CORRAL BOOTH 2006
paramountbooth: CORRAL BOOTH 2006
paramountbooth: MOTIOGRAPH
paramountbooth: CORRAL BOOTH 2006
paramountbooth: CORRAL BOOTH 2006
paramountbooth: CORRAL BOOTH 2006
paramountbooth: CORRAL BOOTH 2006
paramountbooth: Corral Outdoor Theater @ Wimberly, Tx
paramountbooth: CORRAL OUTDOOR THEATER 2006
paramountbooth: CORRAL OUTDOOR THEATER 2006