cymrost: Angle.
cymrost: Muffin better to do?
cymrost: Sculpture.
cymrost: Everyone has an angle.
cymrost: Keep your mind on the job Mr. Bond.
cymrost: Your reputation precedes you Mr. Bond.
cymrost: Written off.
cymrost: Not far now.
cymrost: Strike while the iron's hot!
cymrost: Millennium Falcon.
cymrost: Such sweet eyes.
cymrost: Scooting oot and aboot.
cymrost: Scooter, oot and aboot.
cymrost: Right click!
cymrost: Cityscape.
cymrost: Crime scene.
cymrost: A Minion years BC?
cymrost: A Minion years BC?
cymrost: it art?
cymrost: Vice squad.
cymrost: Illegal trade in baby bananas.
cymrost: Showroom condition.
cymrost: But, is it art?
cymrost: Vice squad.
cymrost: Guinness comet.
cymrost: "You 'orrible lot! Who do you think you are, The Beatles?"
cymrost: Fletcher Christian makes his move.
cymrost: In the fruit bowl.
cymrost: Fletcher Christian makes his move.
cymrost: Soft scoop Antarctic.