uncle_shoggoth: Hallgrimskirkja Church, Reykjavik
uncle_shoggoth: Will and Amber in front of Hallgrimskirkja
uncle_shoggoth: View of the church square from the top of Hallgrimskirkja
uncle_shoggoth: View of Reykjavik Through the Hallgrimskirkja Clock Face
uncle_shoggoth: Iceland Votive
uncle_shoggoth: Pewwwww! Pews!
uncle_shoggoth: Midnight Sunset, Reykjavik Harbor
uncle_shoggoth: Road Sheep
uncle_shoggoth: On the Road In Iceland
uncle_shoggoth: Suðureyri Harbor
uncle_shoggoth: The Bride Enters!
uncle_shoggoth: Solveig and Vigfus Kiss
uncle_shoggoth: Morgan and Will
uncle_shoggoth: Morgan and Amber
uncle_shoggoth: Wedding Favors
uncle_shoggoth: Noelle at the Wedding
uncle_shoggoth: Wedding Candles
uncle_shoggoth: Bride's Bouquet
uncle_shoggoth: Wedding Presents
uncle_shoggoth: The Bride and Groom Arrive At the Reception
uncle_shoggoth: Another Kiss
uncle_shoggoth: Laura and Haldor
uncle_shoggoth: Guðren and Snorri
uncle_shoggoth: Wedding Cake and Cupcakes
uncle_shoggoth: I Make A Friend
uncle_shoggoth: End of the Evening
uncle_shoggoth: Seaside Lupins
uncle_shoggoth: Canonical Backseat View of Morgan While Driving