catch the notes: fascinating moments in 2015 summer
catch the notes: fascinating interaction between a father and his daughter
catch the notes: flower blossoming in my heart
catch the notes: 誰都是彼此人生的過客, 沒有交集的視線交錯
catch the notes: 淡水漁人碼-小涼亭
catch the notes: 淡水漁人碼頭
catch the notes: 淡水漁人碼頭
catch the notes: 淡水漁人碼頭 by Carl zeiss Jena pancolar 50mm f1.8
catch the notes: Where you go?
catch the notes: go through the crowds and find you answer
catch the notes: 漁人碼頭 by Carl zeiss Jena 50mm F1.8