eerokiuru: Corn Crake (Crex crex)
Wild Planet Photography: Share Your Shot
Tim Melling: Least Storm Petrel
alainclement: Montagu Harrier in hunt - Busard cendré en chasse !!!
Tim Melling: Humpback breach
pspnature: Barn Owl
pspnature: Barn Owl
pspnature: Short Eared Owl
Paul McGoveran: Yellow Warbler 2389
neilhilton65: Cirl Bunting
fotodave22: DSP085003 - Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius)
fotodave22: DSP08517 - Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)
fotodave22: DSP08511 - Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)
Tim Melling: Elephant Seal pin-cushion
Ed Thorn: Kestrel
Jane Eardley: Scorpion fly
Tim Melling: Roe Deer
Alan McCluskie: Peregrine 24/5/24 #107
karen leah: Redstart on the fallen branch
karen leah: Pied flycatcher on the post
karen leah: Pied flycatcher on the branch
Tim Melling: Goshawk
alainclement: Montagu Harrier - Busard cendré
wildlifelynn: Black-tailed Godwit
Tim Melling: Roe Buck
Tim Melling: Striped Marlin
alainclement: Osprey nice fishing - Balbuzard ,belle peche !!!
Tim Melling: Baby Lapwing