Phillip Thornton: Robin Song
Phillip Thornton: Happy landings
Phillip Thornton: Coot to nest
Phillip Thornton: Dandelion
Phillip Thornton: Head first in a Dandelion
Phillip Thornton: Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederaceae)
Phillip Thornton: Tiny succulent
Phillip Thornton: Orange Tip
Phillip Thornton: Oystercatcher
Phillip Thornton: Black-headed Gull 02
Phillip Thornton: Black-headed Gull 04
Phillip Thornton: Black-headed Gull FLock
Phillip Thornton: Black-headed Gull 06
Phillip Thornton: Drake Shovelers
Phillip Thornton: Hoverfly 01
Phillip Thornton: Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis) 02
Phillip Thornton: Avocet in flight
Phillip Thornton: Emperor Dragonfly
Phillip Thornton: Soldier Beetle
Phillip Thornton: Lapwing in flight
Phillip Thornton: Mother and daughter in step
Phillip Thornton: Avocet elegance
Phillip Thornton: Lapwing, a wader
Phillip Thornton: Lapwing encounters