Phillip Thornton:
140 Attd. 40,163
Phillip Thornton:
058 Sarries lose a restart
Phillip Thornton:
061 No way through Skuse
Phillip Thornton:
065 Bokke and apprentices
Phillip Thornton:
066 Neil Box kicks
Phillip Thornton:
067 Aerial battle at the line out, Joubert wins
Phillip Thornton:
076 Ruck time
Phillip Thornton:
079 Alex Goode, catch, run, kick
Phillip Thornton:
081 Support was great
Phillip Thornton:
086 Andy Saul secures
Phillip Thornton:
127 Chris Wyles on a break
Phillip Thornton:
129 Neil heads for the line
Phillip Thornton:
142 Warriors collapse, ref give FK, Pat S disagrees
Phillip Thornton:
145 Jacques Burger takes
Phillip Thornton:
152 Handbags
Phillip Thornton:
The crowd 01
Phillip Thornton:
The crowd 02
Phillip Thornton:
The crowd 03
Phillip Thornton:
Applause from the top
Phillip Thornton:
169 Top