Phillip Thornton: If you pull the maul down again I'll be cross
Phillip Thornton: Maul collapses
Phillip Thornton: One Hugh missed
Phillip Thornton: One we didn't pinch
Phillip Thornton: Scrum collapses Sinner escapes
Phillip Thornton: Spot the ball
Phillip Thornton: Sprout and Fazza happy
Phillip Thornton: The boys warm up
Phillip Thornton: The run out
Phillip Thornton: Up close to Bros
Phillip Thornton: Village mob
Phillip Thornton: Village squire RH
Phillip Thornton: Battle scars
Phillip Thornton: Broken organises the maul
Phillip Thornton: Guinness Bar
Phillip Thornton: HV helpfully points out the Sinner to the Ref
Phillip Thornton: Maul collapses again