CA(me)RA: Riley opening his box from Papa (Miguel)
CA(me)RA: Spiderman! (please ignore the massiev amount of clean laundry in the background that needs put away)
CA(me)RA: He's pointing to his hat and saying "mom, you see?"
CA(me)RA: He was more excited about the hat then I thought he would be
CA(me)RA: Spiderman swimtrunks
CA(me)RA: He's all excited cause the jammies have the Rhino & dr. oct on them.
CA(me)RA: We had to put the jammies on right away.
CA(me)RA: When this kid likes something he really gets into it.. wonder where he gets that...
CA(me)RA: He grabbed his Spiderman undies from the clean laundry and brought them to me.
CA(me)RA: March artwork
CA(me)RA: Easter artwork. The bunny in the left corner has white Riley handprints as ears. Then theres the egg he painted with a brush. And the bunny on the bottom he finger painted.
CA(me)RA: Train week artwork
CA(me)RA: Mother's Day artowrk <3