tanageraz: Boats in mist, Whiffin Spit
tanageraz: Coyote, Throne Mountain, Okanagan
tanageraz: Spotted Towhee, Aylard Farm
tanageraz: Russet-crowned Motmot, Yelapa, Jal. Mexico
tanageraz: American Flamingo, Celestun, Yucatan
tanageraz: Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, Yelapa, Jal. Mexico
tanageraz: Military Macaw, Yelapa, Jalisco
tanageraz: Orange-fronted Parakeet, Mazunte, Oaxaca
tanageraz: Crested Guan, Yelapa
tanageraz: Black-necked Stilt, Yelapa, Jal. Mexico
tanageraz: Roseate Spoonbill, Isla Holbox, Yucatan
tanageraz: Gull horizon
tanageraz: Fog and wave with birds
tanageraz: Sunset harbour, Oak Bay
tanageraz: Sailing by the Olympics
tanageraz: Pacific Grace and Mt Baker
tanageraz: Rufous Hummingbird, Cowichan Bay
tanageraz: Anna's Hummingbird
tanageraz: Cedar Waxwing, Lochside Trail at Saanich Road
tanageraz: American Goldfinch, Mt Tolmie
tanageraz: Yellow-breasted Chat enjoying the sun
tanageraz: Snowy Owl at Boundary Bay
tanageraz: Burrowing Owl
tanageraz: Short-eared Owl
tanageraz: Black Oystercatchers and Olympic mountains
tanageraz: Harbour Seal mother and pup, Oak Bay
tanageraz: Totem park and Empress Hotel
tanageraz: Longhouse at Totem Park
tanageraz: Red-breasted Sapsucker
tanageraz: Pink rose, Government House