RobM333: Leading edge
RobM333: Early freeze
RobM333: Early freeze II
RobM333: Ice-capped rock
RobM333: Leading edge II
RobM333: Sunlit ice bubbles
RobM333: Nature's stained glass
RobM333: Hint of winter
RobM333: Sunlit winter rapids
RobM333: Reflections on ice
RobM333: Pine needles in ice
RobM333: Spring reflections
RobM333: Spring melt
RobM333: Ice candles
RobM333: Ice-glazed branches
RobM333: Ice-crowned snag
RobM333: Locked in ice
RobM333: Frozen in time
RobM333: Blue ice I
RobM333: Ice edge reflections.
RobM333: Cool curving edge
RobM333: Crescent edge
RobM333: Sand rocks and ice
RobM333: Thin ice
RobM333: Ice edge reflections
RobM333: River ice edge
RobM333: Eye in the rock II
RobM333: Eye in the rock
RobM333: Blue ice II
RobM333: Sunset on frozen pond