rsiler53: Archeology Site
rsiler53: Our AMTRAK Trip
rsiler53: Archeology Site
rsiler53: They had some neat gifts here.
rsiler53: Tepee out in the parking lot of the store.
rsiler53: This guy was wonderful. He took care of our every need! I hope is enjoying a wonderful life!
rsiler53: My wife. She has a spinal disease but still gets around pretty good.
rsiler53: Our AMTRAK Train for the trip home.
rsiler53: Our train again. The baggage car.
rsiler53: Arizona Desert
rsiler53: Our AMTRAK Train getting ready to take us to Chicago. This is the station in Sacramento California.
rsiler53: Engine they were working on at Sacremento Station.
rsiler53: AMTRAK Engine # 49
rsiler53: Train Heading to Chicago. It was a nice 17 days.
rsiler53: Dinning Car on Our Train
rsiler53: Raton Station
rsiler53: Quick shot through the trains door betwen cars. Sorry, the camera was slower than my finger.
rsiler53: Scenery from the trains Observation Car.
rsiler53: From the Observation Car
rsiler53: Observation Car
rsiler53: Grand Canyon
rsiler53: Grand Canyon
rsiler53: Grand Canyon
rsiler53: Grand Canyon
rsiler53: Grand Canyon
rsiler53: Grand Canyon
rsiler53: Grand Canyon
rsiler53: Grand Canyon
rsiler53: Grand Canyon
rsiler53: Grand Canyon