rsiler53: DSC06028ed
rsiler53: A very pretty young lady on the camel.
rsiler53: How long do I have to keep my eyes closed?
rsiler53: Great day for a camel ride.
rsiler53: Meeting of young minds.
rsiler53: Camel Ride
rsiler53: Taxi!
rsiler53: Girl and the Geese she was feeding.
rsiler53: Young nature lover.
rsiler53: Sweet little girl feeding the geese and ducks.
rsiler53: Father and Daughter collecting tadpoles for their pond.
rsiler53: Father and Daughter still collecting tadpoles.
rsiler53: Little Girl smiling for her mother
rsiler53: Little girl pulling her wagon.
rsiler53: Merry Go Round
rsiler53: Cute girl having fun on the merry go round.
rsiler53: Cute little boy on Manatee Sculpture
rsiler53: Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area