fepseurope: Jon Hippe, Managing director, FAFO; Tone Fløtten, Head of FAFO Institute for Labour and Social Research; Jon Erik Dølvik, Researcher, FAFO
fepseurope: Dr Theo Papadopoulos, University of Bath
fepseurope: Ania Skrzypek, Senior Research Fellow at FEPS, chairing the debate
fepseurope: Jon Hippe, Managing director, FAFO; Tone Fløtten, Head of FAFO Institute for Labour and Social Research; Jon Erik Dølvik, Researcher, FAFO
fepseurope: Antonio Roumpakis, University of York
fepseurope: Ernst Stetter, Secretary general of FEPS
fepseurope: Presentation of the Report by Fafo
fepseurope: Marita Ulvskog, Member of the European Parliament & Chair of theSocial and Employment Committee in the European Parliament
fepseurope: Jon Kvist, Professor Institute of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University
fepseurope: Jon Kvist's presentation
fepseurope: Niels Engelschiøn, Ambassador of Norway to Belgium and Deputy Head of the Mission of Norway to the EU
fepseurope: VeronicaAnna-MariaNilsson,ConfederalSecretary,ETUC