Catness Grace: Urban Legends series - The Stray
Catness Grace: I behold your Feasts
Catness Grace: Happy 2024!
lukristina: Latent Spaces
soniaadammurray - On & Off: A Christmas Present Waiting to be Opened
soniaadammurray - On & Off: Let There Be Light
β r υ η o: Falling
β r υ η o: Fin d'été
β r υ η o: Déroulement climatique (Original photo in comments)
mfsantosphotography: Painting on the wall
mfsantosphotography: Figueira da Foz Marina, Portugal
mfsantosphotography: the garden bench
mfsantosphotography: Beatrice in red
mfsantosphotography: The broken branch
khmuggenthaler: herbstliches Kallmünz - die Perle der Oberpfalz
khmuggenthaler: Grabstätte
khmuggenthaler: einsamer Schwan + lonely swan
tom.too: Happy New Year
tom.too: Jennifer Juniper
tom.too: I was dreamimg of the past
jeffyphotos: Toast and Marmalade
jeffyphotos: Dr. Arthur Swaggerbottom studying an ancient relic of the Royal Canadian Mint
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2328
a.kuehn.wb: Collage #2330
Stefano Wolf Artists Collective: Sept. 29, Feast of St. Michael and all the Archangels
Stefano Wolf Artists Collective: 54. Portrait of Photographer + Naturalist Gianni B. Ph. by #WhiteANGEL Ref.Zie 041