stannan: grampa jack meets Abby pup
stannan: baby puppy conks out again
stannan: old cars, new lensbaby lens
stannan: old cars, new lensbaby lens
stannan: old cars, new lensbaby lens
stannan: old bikes, new lensbaby lens
stannan: old cars, new lensbaby lens
stannan: old cars, new lensbaby lens
stannan: whole earth festival, UC Davis
stannan: whole earth festival, UC Davis
stannan: whole earth festival, UC Davis
stannan: IMG_5 (Large)
stannan: JUNK Raft in front of the Capitol
stannan: JUNK raft in front of Capitol
stannan: JUNK Raft on the steps of the California State Capitol, next to the great seal
stannan: Shriners Concourse '37 Ford?
stannan: napinatin on the pee pad