DonCrain: Dichorisandra thyrsiflora - Commonly called Blue Ginger - It is not a true ginger at all, but is a member of a completely different botanical family - the Spiderwort Family - Commelinaceae
DonCrain: Plumbago auriculata - Cape Plumbago
DonCrain: Hemerocallis - Daylily
DonCrain: Kalachoe marnieriana - Marnier's Kalanchoe
DonCrain: Cyanotis species... maybe C. beddomei - Teddybear vine
DonCrain: Allamanda 'Brazilian Red Wine'
DonCrain: Crossandra infundibuliformis - Firecracker flower
DonCrain: White form of Calliandra haematocephala - White Powder Puff
DonCrain: Angelonia - There are many cultivars. Several are purple like this one.
DonCrain: Abutilon - Flowering Maple - Not a true maple, of course.
DonCrain: White form of Thunbergia grandiflora - White Trumpet Vine
DonCrain: Euphorbia candelabrum - Candelabra Euphorbia
DonCrain: Pereskia species (almost certain)
DonCrain: Pereskia species - (almost certain)
DonCrain: Ruellia species - Mexican Petunia
DonCrain: Salvia greggii cultivar - Maybe 'Salmon Peach' or 'Salmon Dance'
DonCrain: Abutilon - Flowering Maple
DonCrain: Tillandsia cyanea - Pink Quill
DonCrain: Can't see enough detail in the flowers & leaves to ID this one
DonCrain: Brillantaisia nyanzarum - Giant Salvia
DonCrain: Pelargonium cultivar - Common garden Geranium
DonCrain: Holmskioldia sanguinea ‘Yellow’ - Yellow Chinese Hat Flower