DonCrain: Lava Flows - Western Craters of the Moon
DonCrain: Mainly Pahoehoe - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Margin of Aa Lava Flow - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: More Pahoehoe and Aa - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Pressure Ridge - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Ropy Pahoehoe texture - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Spatter Cones - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Spatter Cones - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Snow Lingers in Spatter Cone vent on July 23rd - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: View from within the crater of Climable Spatter Cone - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Spatter Cones and Big Cinder Butte - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Spatter Cones from Inferno Cone - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Spatter Cones from Inferno Cone - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Spatter Cones from the Loop Road - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Still More Pahoehoe and Aa - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Suncet Cone and the Visitors Center - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Sunset Cone crater - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Sunset Cone from the south - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Sunset Cone and the Highway Flow from North Crater - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Vesicular Basalt - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Vesicular Basalt - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Flow Field Between Grassy Cone and North Crater - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Interior of North Crater - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Interior of North Crater - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Jagged Aa - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Larry Entering Beauty Cave Lava Tube - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: It Was So Nice and Cool in There
DonCrain: Indian Cave - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Indian Cave - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument
DonCrain: Indian Cave - Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument