boulter.james: Afon Arban, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Afon Arban, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Afon Arban, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Moel-prysgau bothy
boulter.james: Moel-prysgau bothy
boulter.james: Looking towards the Teifi Pools
boulter.james: On the summit of Pen-y-bwlch, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Inside Claerddu bothy, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Claerddu bothy, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Track between Teifi Pools and Claerwen
boulter.james: Looking back to Claerddu Bothy, room just visible
boulter.james: Looking towards Claerwen Reservoir, Elan Valley
boulter.james: On the Monk's Trod, Elan Valley
boulter.james: On the Monk's Trod, Elan Valley
boulter.james: On the Monk's Trod, Elan Valley
boulter.james: On the Monk's Trod, Elan Valley
boulter.james: On the Monk's Trod, Elan Valley
boulter.james: On the Monk's Trod, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Looking towards Lluest Cwmbach bothy, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Reuben enjoying the fire at Lluest Cwmbach bothy, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Lluest Cwmbach bothy, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Lluest Cwmbach bothy, Elan Valley
boulter.james: Craig Goch Reservoir
boulter.james: Craig Goch Reservoir
boulter.james: Craig Goch Reservoir
boulter.james: Craig Goch Reservoir dam
boulter.james: Penygarreg Reservoir