ecmlsteve2: Interior view of my weathered Bachmann OO gauge Buffet. Fitted with my own lighting and interior detailed.
ecmlsteve2: Bachmann BR Mk1 Buffet.
ecmlsteve2: Branch level crossing at Hawkswood Jcn
ecmlsteve2: Hornby Class 31, re numbered, weathered and sound fitted in the yard at Hawkswood Jcn.
ecmlsteve2: Hawkswood Jcn Stabling Point under construction including puddles.
ecmlsteve2: Hawkswood Jcn Station area under construction.
ecmlsteve2: Wills point rodding being fitted to Hawkswood Jcn Signal Box.
ecmlsteve2: One of my kit built signals for Hawkswood Junction.
ecmlsteve2: Gronk at Hawkswood Junction.
ecmlsteve2: The Bridge scene, Hawkswood Junction.
ecmlsteve2: Hawkswood Junction under construction.
ecmlsteve2: Bachmann High Bar. Weathered.
ecmlsteve2: Weathered Bachmann High Bar and 16t wagons pictured on my layout "Hawkswood Junction".
ecmlsteve2: Weathered Class 47 no. D1882. This is a Bachmann Class 47, re numbered, weathered and the addition of utterly fantastic legomanbiffo sound.
ecmlsteve2: Bachmann BG. I have weathered and fitted my custom light system. Photographed on my layout Hawkswood Junction, under construction.
ecmlsteve2: The Bachmann Mk1 Compo detailed, weathered and own custom lighting fitted. Absolutely zero flickering.
ecmlsteve2: D10 detailed with new etched grills, repainted, weathered an ready to go.
ecmlsteve2: Tryfan Peak Conversion.
ecmlsteve2: Detailed and repainted Bachmann Peak D10 finished and weathered. Giving it a run to check all is ok.
ecmlsteve2: D10 halfway through weathering. Basic coat of matt black applied to detailed and repainted Bachmann Peak. Photographed at stabling point under development for my layout, Hawkswood Junction.
ecmlsteve2: Bachmann Class 44 detailed as D10 with new etch grills, painted and waiting for weathering. Photographed in the fiddle yard of my layout Hawkswood Junction.
ecmlsteve2: My de ribbed, weathered and detailed Bachmann Mk1. Just requires final detailing inside. Hence the loose piping at the end of the coach.
ecmlsteve2: Bachmann Mk1 Composite Coach weathered and detailed.
ecmlsteve2: Bachmann Mk1 coach weathering.
ecmlsteve2: The Bachmann High Bar with weathering finished. The Presflo is waiting for a cement weathering. The underframe has been weathered and base of black wash on the body.
ecmlsteve2: The Bachmann Presflo half way through weathering.
ecmlsteve2: Ta dah, the Bachmann Presflo weathered.
ecmlsteve2: Another view of the weathered Bachmann Presflo.
ecmlsteve2: New Class 87 Pantograph.
ecmlsteve2: My weathered 27t Iron Ore Tippler on Hawkswood Junction.