jennings willey: 242BuRaspail
jennings willey: 242 Bu Raspail
jennings willey: Enter le Jardin du Luxembourg
jennings willey: Big hedges @ Jardin du Luxembourg
jennings willey: Kissing the balony stone?
jennings willey: Mars Field today.
jennings willey: CLOSED. No access. Local Strife.
jennings willey: B & B + pseudo Calder
jennings willey: Even bent metal has 2 sides. Convex &...
jennings willey: Concave. Play your cards right and you might own this... bent hunk of metal.
jennings willey: It's good to be a Prince.
jennings willey: Nice window, but old.
jennings willey: The French witch the Brits burned.
jennings willey: What would Clement V have thought of this?
jennings willey: Pont D'Avignon
jennings willey: Pont D'Avignon again.
jennings willey: Fort Saint-Andre beyond the Rhone.
jennings willey: Fort Saint-Andre
jennings willey: Within Fort Saint-Andre
jennings willey: Crusaders carried flaming tourches here...
jennings willey: but the French are worried about it burning down.
jennings willey: Nice gravel.
jennings willey: I don't have enough money to add a caption.
jennings willey: Costumes change over the centuries.
jennings willey: Whoops, they don't reset their sundial for daylight savings time.
jennings willey: Yes, they change colors.
jennings willey: MI 6 doesn't pay as well as it used to.
jennings willey: ...would look good in silver on my hood.
jennings willey: Be careful what you order here.