venetia 27:
early morning light - day 79
venetia 27:
gift at the end of Christmas day
venetia 27:
end of the garden - day 56
venetia 27:
garden, covered market - day 52
venetia 27:
chinese lanterns
venetia 27:
nightsky, oxford - 14.11.07
venetia 27:
white potato vine
venetia 27:
venetia 27:
clearing sky
venetia 27:
anenomes and rain
venetia 27:
sunny day - day 74
venetia 27:
Oxford English Dictionary
venetia 27:
galettes des rois - day 67
venetia 27:
peace on earth - day 61
venetia 27:
frosty night, oxford
venetia 27:
shortest day of the year - day 57