Gavin Cromhout: curious catepillar
Gavin Cromhout: muscle canvas
Gavin Cromhout: flowerstar
Gavin Cromhout: getting ahead
Gavin Cromhout: flower crown
Gavin Cromhout: pollen city
Gavin Cromhout: ladybird in the pond
Gavin Cromhout: african fly
Gavin Cromhout: subtle colour
Gavin Cromhout: structure
Gavin Cromhout: bougainvillea
Gavin Cromhout: the inner city
Gavin Cromhout: poppy surprise
Gavin Cromhout: Ladybird visits daisy
Gavin Cromhout: misconduct
Gavin Cromhout: earliest convenience
Gavin Cromhout: african honey bee
Gavin Cromhout: waterflower
Gavin Cromhout: all wished out
Gavin Cromhout: dip into cyan
Gavin Cromhout: west coast daisy
Gavin Cromhout: dandilion
Gavin Cromhout: well protected
Gavin Cromhout: without flash