satyajit_burman: mountain beauty
satyajit_burman: IMG_8202-1
satyajit_burman: on the way to vishansar Lake
satyajit_burman: IMG_8122-1
satyajit_burman: snow clad mountains
satyajit_burman: vallley of flowers
satyajit_burman: Sitkari Sonmarg
satyajit_burman: movements of Horse
satyajit_burman: Somnath da
satyajit_burman: IMG_8152-1
satyajit_burman: Vishnusar Lake
satyajit_burman: On the way to Vishnusar (12,011 ft)
satyajit_burman: water flowing from Vishnusar (12,011 ft) Lake
satyajit_burman: Fishing at Vishnusar (12,011 ft) lake by local inhabitant
satyajit_burman: Vishnusar (12,011 ft) Lake
satyajit_burman: lonelyness in mountains
satyajit_burman: Reflection of Vishnusar (12,011 ft)
satyajit_burman: IMG_8413-1
satyajit_burman: IMG_8458-1
satyajit_burman: busy in photography
satyajit_burman: Kishansar Lakes
satyajit_burman: when nature becomes dramatic
satyajit_burman: Teen Murti
satyajit_burman: Vishnusar and Kishansar Lakes
satyajit_burman: Making kaoa...Kasmiri beauty
satyajit_burman: way to Heaven
satyajit_burman: Gadsar pass ....its launch time after a long walkj
satyajit_burman: Gadsar lake
satyajit_burman: kasmiri girls