WVJazzman: William Herbert Dunton - Those Big Blunt FIngers Were Able to Make the Strings Alive
WVJazzman: William Herbert Dunton - This Spectacular Dash is an Inspiring Picture, Thundering Down the Field on a Dead Run in Lines as Straight as Arrows
WVJazzman: William Herbert Dunton - The Prospector
WVJazzman: William Herbert Dunton - The Fellow Lowered His Head and Turned on Me
WVJazzman: Thomas Moran - The Mirage
WVJazzman: Thomas Moran - The Mirage (Detail)
WVJazzman: Thomas Moran - Mohave Wall
WVJazzman: Thomas Blackshear II - Rodeo Poster
WVJazzman: NC Wyeth - I've Seen Him Ride Broncs that had Piled the Best of Them, and as for Roping - Even the Mexican Vaqueros have had to Hand it to Him More Than Once
WVJazzman: John Mix Stanley - Halting to Smoke
WVJazzman: Frederic Remington - Halt-Dismount!
WVJazzman: Frederic Remington - Bullets Kicked Up the Dust
WVJazzman: William Kalwick - Fresh Water
WVJazzman: Todd Williams - Aiyana_Endless Beauty
WVJazzman: Jack Terry - Between Mountain Shadows
WVJazzman: Duward Campbell - Comanche Country
WVJazzman: Carl D'Aguanno - It's All Good
WVJazzman: Bill Farnsworth - Cottonwoods
WVJazzman: The Mier Expedition: The Drawing of the Black Bean
WVJazzman: The Scout
WVJazzman: Aiding a Comrade
WVJazzman: Indians Hunting Buffalo
WVJazzman: Returning to Camp
WVJazzman: Wounded
WVJazzman: When White Men Turn Red
WVJazzman: The Sentinel
WVJazzman: Rounded Up
WVJazzman: A Taint on the Wind
WVJazzman: Buffalo Runners - Big Horn Basin
WVJazzman: The Fall of the Cowboy