WVJazzman: The Mier Expedition: The Drawing of the Black Bean
WVJazzman: The Scout
WVJazzman: Aiding a Comrade
WVJazzman: Indians Hunting Buffalo
WVJazzman: Returning to Camp
WVJazzman: Wounded
WVJazzman: When White Men Turn Red
WVJazzman: The Sentinel
WVJazzman: Rounded Up
WVJazzman: A Taint on the Wind
WVJazzman: Buffalo Runners - Big Horn Basin
WVJazzman: The Fall of the Cowboy
WVJazzman: A Cavalryman's Breakfast on the Plains
WVJazzman: The Medicine Man
WVJazzman: Cavalry in an Arizona Sand Storm
WVJazzman: "The Right of the Road": A Hazardous Encounter on a Rocky Mountain Trail
WVJazzman: The Bronco Buster
WVJazzman: Jim Bridger
WVJazzman: The Howl of the Weather
WVJazzman: River Drivers in the Spring Break-up